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Posted Date: 10/09/2023


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE               CONTACT: Ezabela Herber

June 11th, 2023                                                       Shattuck FFA Reporter

    (580) 938-0346  




By Ezabela Herber 


SHATTUCK, OKLAHOMA - As the summer continues, and I continue my normal routine, I decided it was time to do our first Officer Spotlight of the year, and interview our Shattuck FFA Vice President, Sadey Schoenhals.  Sadey was raised in Shattuck, Oklahoma where her family’s farm and cattle production resides.  When asked what made her decide to join FFA Schoenhals responded, “My family has always been involved in agriculture, with cattle and raising crops. In the 8th grade, we all had to take FFA. I quickly fell in love with the class. It taught me about my community and more about my family’s production. My FFA class has taught me that this organization is a part of everyone’s lives in some way. You just have to take a step back to realize it. ”Sadey has been active in FFA since her first day as a member, “I show goats, compete in livestock judging, and do speeches .” Though she has had many memories made in the FFA, she says, “My favorite memory that I’ve made in FFA is when our livestock judging team went to Big 3 and Mr. Kelly looked a little homeless because it appeared as if he hadn’t had a haircut in 20 years. It was so entertaining to listen to everyone laughing and making comments about his appearance. ” I asked Sadey if she could give an upcoming FFA member advice, what would it be. She responded, “My advice to any future FFA member is to try new things, even though you think you might not like it. I would’ve never thought I would like public speaking, but now it’s my favorite thing to compete in. I can guarantee there’s something for everyone, it might just take some time to find it.”  Schoenhals is also active in the vet science contests when competing in CDE competitions. When asked what FFA means to her, and how it has changed her life, Schoenhals said, “To me, FFA means one big family that is always there for me. They are there for me when I can’t figure out my speech or when Mr. Kelln is scaring us because he is grumpy. FFA has changed my life because I have found something that I am passionate about. Without FFA, I wouldn’t have the everyday learning about things in class, let alone the outside of class activities such as showing goats and livestock judging.  ”  It’s safe to say that Shattuck FFA is well represented by our Chapter Vice President. Thank you Sadey for sharing your FFA experience!

